Equipment list
Right, hopefully by now you have decided to come and hunt with us! Here is a list to help your pack.
Daypack - Choose a quality daypack made of quiet camo material. It should be large enough to carry a jacket, lunch, water, socks, etc.
Binoculars - Arguably your most important piece of gear, they should be shockproof, and made of high-quality glass. Spend as much as you can. (8x to 10 x recommended)
Binocular Harness - Your binoculars are worthless if you can't get to them quickly, so most hunters use some type of chest harness system to keep them handy.
Rangefinder - The greatest hunting technological development of the last 30 years!
Headlamp - LED headlamps are the way to go.
Extra Batteries – For your headlamp, rangefinder
Power Adapter=from South Africa to USA source
Medications - Bring any prescription meds you take, and throw in some over-the-counter pain relievers like Ibuprofen or Tylenol. If you have allergies, bring some medication for that. It is very dry during winter with dust and in the summer there can be lots of pollen.
Camera – Preserve your memories! Also think extra SD cards.
Xerox Copies of- hunt license, drivers license, plane tickets, directions to ranch, passport, just in case?
Personal harnass for sitting in a tree stand, we also have but if you prefer your own, bring it along.
Persona Hygiene Items- We are often far from town.
Rifle available at farm to rent- 30-06, 25.06 and .308

HUNTING CLOTHING (laundry services are available and included in daily rate)
1 pair boots, well worn-in, (a good support boot)
1 pair camp shoes – lightweight- “Sneakers or Mocs”
1 pair thin and 1 pair heavy socks.
1 pair gaiters (recommended for grass seeds) All year round
2 sets of insulating underwear/base layer –(synthetic/wool) Winter hunting
Hunting clothes preferably camo to blend in with the scenery.
1 pair light hunting pants (microtex-synthetic) Summer hunting
1 pair medium weight hunting pants–( wool or fleece) Winter hunting
1 pair long underwear
1 pair shorts in summer hunting
2 shirts – one light and one medium weight shirt-(synthetic/wool)
1 warm vest for winter
1 light weight hunting jacket /pullover-(synthetic/fleece)
Hat/insulated Beanie and Gloves – Winter temperatures can be as low as -8 degrees Celsius in mid winter (June till August) Summer is really hot and day temperatures can go up to 38 degrees Celsius
Hunting bow
12 arrows with 9 broadheads and field points
2 Trigger Release aids, (if you normally use one)
Lighted sight system, extra batteries
Bow sighted in and comfortable to 40+ yards with broadheads
Lighted arrow nocks
Laser range finder with extra battery
The following rifles are available for renting:
25.06 .308 .30-06