Huntable game
We offer a variety of plains game. Oryx, Red Hartebeest, Kudu, Common Impala, Sprinbuck, Duiker, Steenbuck, Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Burchells Zebra, Cape Eland, Chacma Baboon, Black Backed Jackall and other animals on request.

Hunting season is from Feb 1 - Nov 30, but the best times for bow hunting is from MAY till OCTOBER. As a general rule Namibia has a temperate climate with cool nights and warm days during most of the year. The heart of the Namibian winter runs from June through August with nights and mornings being quite cold, often with sub-freezing temperatures. The days are mild and sunny, so layering of clothing is essential. September through November can get quite hot during the day, so a hat and sun block are essential.

Toekoms Hunting Safaris will obtain valid hunting permits for clients from Namibian Nature Conservation prior to the start of the hunt. Hunters entering Namibia with firearms must complete a temporary import permit application for all rifles and ammunition in their possession. We will be happy to assist you in obtaining the correct documentation. Please note that there is no documentation required for the temporary importing of archery equipment for use on a bow hunting safari